Use "ritz carlton|ritz carlton" in a sentence

1. He cannot, of course, go to the abbey tomorrow, but he's most anxious you should invite him to the room you have taken at the Ritz for Nicky.

Il ne pourra pas aller à l'abbaye demain, mais il a vraiment hâte que vous l'invitiez à la chambre que vous avez prise au Ritz pour Nicky.

2. Adroitly slipping past the insurgent outposts, the column reached Prince Albert, where they learned that looting had already begun and attacks on Prince Albert and Fort Carlton were imminent.

Évitant adroitement les avant-postes des insurgés, la colonne atteint Prince Albert, où elle apprend que le pillage a commencé et que des attaques à Prince Albert et au Fort Carlton sont imminentes.